Life After Sadie Read online

Page 2

  “No, trust me, the quicker I get you out of this trial, the quicker I can move on and forget I ever came to visit you.” Mr. Hilton looked around to watch the crowd and reporters shuffling back in.

  “Fine, but I swear to fuckin’ God my ass better be gettin’ the fuck outta this bitch soon,” she gritted through her teeth. As mad as she was, the most she could do was hope for the best outcome.

  Judge Marley Staples banged the gavel once more. “Okay, are we all on the same page, Mr. Hilton?”

  “Yes, please excuse the earlier outburst. We are ready to proceed,” Mr. Hilton apologized.

  “Very well, then. Okay, it looks like we have a plea accepted by both parties ... ummm ... uh-huh ... Okay, Ms. Richards, please stand. Do you accept and understand this plea?”

  “Yes, I do, Your Honor,” Tootsie replied and looked back at Shawn P.

  “You understand you will be attending a sixteen-month outpatient psychiatric facility and paroled for ten years following your release?” Judge Staples questioned.

  “Ten years?” she jumped back in shock. Tootsie shot a look at Mr. Hilton, making him inch back immediately, fearing she would come after him. She took a deep breath and said, “Yes, Your Honor, I understand ten years.” Her voice hinted at her disappointment.

  “You also understand that you will be subjected to random drug testing and home searches for such drugs? And, the aftereffects of a positive result of such testing or searches?”

  “Yes, Your Honor, I do,” Tootsie stated.

  “And, finally, you know you are not allowed to leave the district of Washington, D.C., until you finish your outpatient program and get final approval from the parole board?” Judge Staples took her glasses off, put her papers down, then reached for her gavel.

  “Yes, Your Honor,” Tootsie replied with a great big smile on her face. Her mind was clear now. Shawn P came through for her. The weight on her chest was lifted, but she knew her indebtedness would come with a price.

  “Okay, so be it.” Judge Staples banged the gavel and retreated to her chambers while the courtroom dispersed.

  Before the court officer removed Tootsie, she shook Mr. Hilton’s hand very tightly. “So how long do you think it will be before I will be able to get me out of here and assigned to an outpatient center?” Tootsie asked with happiness in her voice.

  “It’s going to take a few hours; then you will be able to be on your way. Please don’t forget you will only have twenty-four hours to see your parole officer. You will receive your release papers with all that information.” Then Mr. Hilton packed all his papers into his briefcase as the officer reached for Tootsie’s arm to usher her out of the courtroom.

  Tootsie snapped out of her trance and walked over to the other side of the bed. She saw the money scattered all over the floor. Staring at the money, her hands didn’t want to extend to retrieve it any faster. She wanted to drop to her knees and cry until her tears dried up. She didn’t see her life like this—it was supposed to be with Sadie.

  The only person that I want dead now more than ever is that bitch—Serenity, Tootsie thought walking to the bathroom.

  “Yo, what up? Can you tell me when we doin’ this? I want to do this now. I can’t wait any longer. You got me turning tricks and all type of shit that wasn’t supposed to go down. What the fuck, Shawn?” Tootsie wiped her eyes and lit a cigarette, nearly singeing her eyelashes.

  “Shorty, when you walked out with no cuffs, you owed me big time, so just fall the fuck back and enjoy the only life you will have until I say, ‘no more.’” Shawn P spoke effortlessly and hung up the phone without any calming consolation prize.

  This muthafucker gotta come correct. Now it’s time to reassess the situation, ’cause I can’t be having this muthafucker thinking he can just do anything or keep doing this shit to me, Tootsie thought as she blew smoke up into the air.

  Chapter 2

  “Okay, I know you didn’t wanna leave Chicago, but we needed a new start. No fuckin’ detectives, court, or reporters out front knowin’ our every fuckin’ move. That shit wasn’t good for business, if you know what I mean. Don’t worry. Like I told you, we still got Momma house. We just have tenants now. So, I rented this house out here in Detroit,” Carla said as she burst through the door, dropping their luggage upon entering.

  “Damn, when you told me that we were going to Detroit, I wasn’t too thrilled, but you’re right. We do need to start somewhere fresh and forget the past year. That reminds me, I tried calling the lawyer to find out how many years that bitch got, but he ain’t callin’ me back. Well, I guess it really doesn’t matter anymore,” Serenity said, scoping the house out with her eyes.

  “Oh yeah, well, I called him the other day. He said she got twenty to life in a maximum facility. Besides, the case is finished,” Carla told a bold-faced lie. “Okay, sis, since all that Sadie stuff is behind us, can you tell me something?” Carla asked shyly. She didn’t want Serenity to shut her down. “So, tell me which team are you really batting for?” Carla took a seat on the sofa.

  “Huh? What?” Serenity was caught off guard with her sister’s question.

  “Don’t ‘what’ me, Serenity. You know exactly what I’m asking. Are you into chicks now or not?” Carla asked again.

  “Well, since you want to be all in my business, no, I’m not into chicks. My experience with that is over. I want dick and dick only. Those chicks got way too much drama for me.” Serenity took a seat next to Carla on the sofa. “Disappointed?”

  “Honestly, yes. Not ’cause you only want dick now, but ’cause you didn’t feel like you could tell me that you felt that way about women. I blame myself for all this happening to you. I should’a known and warned you about what really goes on over at that school.” Carla looked over at Serenity and grabbed her hand. “Listen, I want you to know I am here for you no matter who you fucking or sucking. If you think you got a problem, please, please, come to me, sis, please. Okay?”

  “Since when you all mushy and shit? I know I should’a told you about those feelings, but you don’t have to worry about that anymore. If I got a problem, I promise you, sis, I will holla at you without hesitation. Now, I’m fuckin’ starvin’. Let’s go get something to eat,” Serenity reassured her sister.

  “A’ight. I guess this luggage and shit can get done when we return. Do you mind coming with me to check out this spot I have been hearin’ about? It’s a restaurant, and after eleven, it turns into a lounge or somethin’ like that. The food is supposed to be good. What you say?” Carla asked.

  “I don’t care, but they food better be good.” Serenity stood up and rushed to the door.

  Carla followed behind Serenity, and they both hopped into the car on their way to the restaurant. When they reached the restaurant, they both recited the name out loud. “All Things Good.”

  Serenity looked at Carla and said, “It better be.”

  “Come on, we won’t know ’til we get in there,” Carla nudged Serenity.

  When they entered, they looked at the crowd and smiled at each other. “Well, it gots to be good, sis. Look at the crowd,” Carla said.

  “Okay, but now how long do you think we’ll have to wait? Damn, I knew we should’a just went to the chicken spot.” Serenity sucked her teeth. “I’m out front ’cause this is going to take forever.”

  “Serenity, come on. Just hang for a minute and let me find out how long. Damn, sometimes you are so fuckin’ spoiled,” Carla shot back.

  Serenity glared at Carla and headed for the front door. She hated when her sister was right. When she reached the entrance, a gentleman almost bumped into her. His smile caused her to forget her sister’s comment.

  “Oh, pardon me, Miss, I didn’t see you,” a six foot three man with caramel-toned skin and a muscular frame spoke. His eyes met Serenity’s and an instant attraction arose. He gazed at her unblemished face and eyes that would make any man’s heart throb.

  Serenity stood still and momentarily lost her voice. His pr
esence was inviting and drop-dead gorgeous. His hazel eyes and caramel-colored skin stopped her in her tracks.

  “A’ight, Serenity, let’s go to the chicken spot. It’s an hour-long wait, so I guess we’ll try another time,” Carla said, looking at the man standing in their way. “Come on, what’s the deal? Can you move outta the way, man?”

  “I can get you a table right now. Please, don’t leave.” He smiled at them.

  “Yeah, whatever, man. Let’s go.” Carla’s voice became loud.

  “Oh, I’m sorry. Are you two together?” He looked at Carla and noticed her possessiveness.

  “No, not at all.” Serenity rolled her eyes.

  “Okay, well, at least let me introduce myself. My name is Cassidy Peters, but everyone calls me Cass. I’m one of the owners and would love for you both to have dinner here, on me. Do you like jazz? The band will be here in half an hour or so. What do you say?” Cassidy stared at Serenity, hoping she would say yes.

  “We good. Come on, let’s go,” Carla quickly answered.

  “Cass, I would love to find out if the food really is good. Carla, are you staying or going to the chicken spot?” Serenity asked her sister with a smile.

  “Ain’t that some shit ... whatever. Okay, Cass, where we sitting?” Carla questioned.

  “Follow me. I will show you to the best seats in the house. By the way, can I get your names?” Cass smiled.

  “It’s Serenity, and this is my sister Carla,” Serenity smiled.

  Cass walked through the crowd throwing “hellos” and handshakes to what seemed like every person they passed along the way. He finally seated them at a corner table with a card marked RESERVED on top. He removed the card and motioned a waitress over.

  “Please, take care of my new friends, and everything is on the house. Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you later,” Cass told the waitress. “Now, ladies, enjoy your dinner and have a great night.” Cass left the table without saying another word.

  Serenity didn’t know what to think. Her mind was fluttering with questions. Who is this dude? And, why is he being so nice to me? She didn’t know who he was. She wasn’t in Chicago anymore.

  Cass had plenty of paper. His first taste of paper came from the streets of Brooklyn. Supplying bricks to all of the hustlers in the borough gained notoriety in the hood. He got smart, stacked his paper, and quickly opened a string of nightclubs throughout the city. When the police started infiltrating his empire, he escaped with the help of his sister. They invaded Detroit and slowly started building relationships with the moneymakers of the city. He purchased a mansionlike catering hall and renovated it into a restaurant with a nightclub to keep his paper up. He became a star among the night scene in Detroit. He entertained many women and discovered it was easy to manipulate most.

  He thought about that as he moved away from the table. Women were all after the same thing ... status and money. They were looking to be upgraded. Serenity had no idea that he was well-known to many, and he wanted to keep it that way.

  “Okay, so I see you got your game back,” Carla snickered as she took the menu from the waitress.

  “Ladies, take a look at the menu and decide. I’ll be right back to take your order. Can I get you any drinks?” the waitress asked.

  “Actually, you can bring us a bottle of Patrón Silver and some limes. Thanks,” Carla said.

  “Can you bring a glass of lemonade as well,” Serenity added.

  After the waitress left the table Serenity said, “Damn, Carla, I know this shit is free, but you didn’t have to order that. Damn, you greedy,” Serenity laughed.

  “Listen, you got to let niggas know you ain’t a cheap date and you used to the fine things in life. Trust me,” Carla replied as she scanned the room for anyone she knew.

  “Whatever, Carla. But, damn, he sure is fine. I hope he comes back.” Serenity stared at Cass mingling about the room. “Look, the band is setting up, and might I say this table looks like it’s the best seat in this place.”

  “All right, don’t wet your panties just yet. Let me do some research on this Cassidy before you venture off into his world,” Carla said.

  “Yeah, okay. But we definitely have to come back here, even if the food ain’t good.” Serenity noticed the waitress returning with their bottle. “Thank you.”

  “Have you ladies decided?” the waitress asked, ready to take their order.

  “Actually, can you bring us your best of everything. Thanks.” Carla smiled at the waitress noticing her tight white shirt exposing her hard nipples.

  The waitress smiled back at Carla giving her a hint that her interest was wanted. The waitress wrote her number down on her order pad and gave it to Carla. “I’ll be back with the best in the house.”

  “I see someone else got some game too,” Serenity laughed.

  Their waitress arrived with their food shortly after Serenity and Carla had consumed several shots of Patrón. They both looked at the amount of food placed in front of them. There were several plates of everything—collard greens, baked mac and cheese, barbecue chicken, ribs, yams, brisket, fried chicken and shrimp, catfish, and corn bread made in a skillet like their mother used to make. Neither knew where to start.

  Cassidy stole a few glances at Serenity while she enjoyed the food but decided on not going over to the table to make any conversation. He wanted her in every way possible but didn’t want to blow it by asking her for her number. He thought, If she’s interested, she’ll come back. I ain’t chasin’ nothing!

  Chapter 3

  After being in their new home a week and enrolling Serenity in the community college nearby, Carla looked at her stash and quickly started to formulate a plan to re-up. She knew she couldn’t call Shawn P, but maybe that Iris chick from Rock’s funeral could help. When Iris made her appearance at the funeral, she was discreet, but she also made it clear that she could help her. Carla didn’t understand back then, but now it was clear. Through her informants in the streets of Chicago, she figured out that Iris was the other chick Rock was mainly fucking, and she also was the mastermind behind the entire weed service he had going. From what info she did gather, Iris was the chick with the hookups for everything bad.

  Through Carla’s connections with all the big Chicago players, she found out just how bad Iris really was. Her hustle was on point and always growing. She made drug deals with the biggest, and her money was definitely deeper than any normal hustler. Iris played the game well. Her connections with the Columbian Mafia and the Polish mob brought her great respect all around. Iris was known to use her strong ties to earn trust with local dealers and use them to advantage with her bigger affiliates.

  When the trial started, the publicity made Carla’s hustle harder than ever. Her normality became restricted by the constant eyes on Serenity. After weeks of hospital visits, then sitting in the courtroom for what seemed like months, not to hear a jury say “guilty” was heart wrenching. She couldn’t let her sister know that Tootsie was taking a plea instead of going to jail for the rest of her life. While the jury was deliberating, the lawyer came to her stating that Tootsie was going to cop a plea instead of getting what she deserved. Carla decided it was best for Serenity not to know and informed the lawyer that Serenity was leaving the state for good. Carla hated herself for not protecting Serenity before. She thought back on all that she would of, should of, could of—but didn’t—do.

  I’m her protector. How could I’ve been so blind? There were signs that shit was wrong. I should’a just went with my gut and told her she couldn’t go to that school in the first fuckin’ place. Why didn’t I? Carla looked at her mother’s picture on her dresser with tears in her eyes.

  “Mama, please don’t be mad at me. She didn’t let me in. She didn’t tell me anything. I’m so sorry, Mama.” Her cheeks were wet. She pulled the bottom of her shirt up to wipe her face. Carla’s guilt was heavy and weighed like fifty strong-ass men standing on her shoulders. The thought of Serenity finding out that Tootsie wasn’t in
jail and was free to roam wherever she pleased kept her in a constant battle. She wanted to accumulate enough money so she could take Serenity away and tell her the truth, but like a parent, her role was clear: she had made sure Serenity was safe, and the less she knew, the better.

  Carla searched the top of her dresser for the funeral pamphlet. She found it and hoped the number was still connected. Well, let’s see what she can do for me, Carla thought as she dialed the number.

  “Hello?” Iris answered, a bit confused.

  “Hey, I’m Carla, Serenity’s sister and—”

  “No need to explain. I know who you are. When can we meet?” Iris cut her off.

  “Well, I’m not sure ... Chi-town ain’t my home no more. You think you can come out to Detroit?” Carla asked.

  “I’m actually in D.C., but I can be in Detroit by the weekend. We can meet then. I’ll call you when I land.” Iris hung up the phone, not wanting Carla to bombard her with questions.

  Carla looked at the phone and said out loud, “What the fuck? She just hung up on me! She better be able to come correct when I see her.”

  After Iris hung the phone up, she quickly opened her laptop to book a flight to Detroit. She thought of what Sadie took from her—the only man she loved. She knew Sadie didn’t pull the trigger, but she might as well have. Her slick and cunning ways tricked Tootsie into killing Rock, and now someone had to pay. Serenity should pay for her mistake of ever involving herself with that bitch Sadie. She’s the reason he got killed, Iris thought.

  Iris cared deeply for Rock, and she knew his entire relationship with Serenity was just a cover-up to make his intended football career well perceived. He loved to watch women with women and join in. After a year of helping Rock with moving weight in and out of the state lines, Iris developed feelings for him, although her only interest at the time had been women. But, she and Rock spent a lot of time together and really got to know each other from the inside and out.